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Search Results for 'Va'etchanan'

  • Va’etchanan: My answer to this question might surprise you!

    Transcript: My answer to this question might surprise you. Who is the greatest role model of all time? In Parshat Va’etchanan Moshe declares to the people “V’atem had’veikim baHashem elokeichem
  • Va’etchanan: Climate Change and Moshe Rabbeinu

    Transcript: Moshe seems to have done something which was totally unnecessary. In Parshat Va’etchanan we are told (Devarim 4:41), “Az yavdil moshe shalosh arim.” Just before he was to pass
  • D’var Torah: Va’etchanan

    How can we successfully pass on our Judaism through to the generations to come? In Parashat Ve’etchanan, the Torah presents us with the first paragraph of the Shema. In it
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Va’etchanan

    Loving Hashem isn’t meant to be simple… Is it fair to insist that a person should love someone or something? I guess your instinctive reply will be absolutely not. But
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Va’etchanan

    In this week’s D’var Torah for Va’etchanan, the Chief Rabbi explains the enormous significance of repetition found in the Torah. Why is there so much repetition in the Torah? Time
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Va’etchanan

    In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi asks the question: The Ten Commandments or The Five Pairs? The Chief Rabbi reveals a different way for us to think
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Va’etchanan

    The Shema is undoubtedly one of the most important prayers in the Jewish religion, as it declares unequivocally our belief in one G-d. Why is it relevant how many words