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Search Results for 'shelach'

  • Shelach Lecha: How not to use the Torah

    Transcript It is possible for a person to be an expert in Torah law without practising any of it. For example, this could be an academic who has studied the
  • Shelach: The Torah’s antidote to an inferiority complex

    Transcript: What is the Torah’s antidote to an inferiority complex? In Parshat Shelach Lecha, we are told how the meraglim, the spies, returned from the Promised Land. Ten out of
  • Shelach Lecha: Sometimes, blind people see more

    Transcript Blind people can sometimes see more than everyone else. At the beginning of Parshat Shelach Lecha (Bamidbar 13:18) an instruction is given to the spies who were about to
  • D’var Torah: Shelach Lecha

      When did an entire nation suffer from low self-esteem? Parshat Shelach-Lecha tells us how the meraglim, the 12 spies, returned from the land of Cana’an. Ten of them delivered
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Shelach Lecha

    Challah is so much more that just a loaf of bread… Why do we call our loaves of bread ‘challah’? The term ‘challah’ comes from a root which means ‘weakness’,
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Shelach Lecha

    In this week’s D’var Torah for Shelach Lecha, the Chief Rabbi describes the significance today of one small letter in a name. Have you ever heard of a letter transplant?
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Shelach Lecha

    In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi asks: What blessing can one give to someone who is blessed with everything? People are like trees. This is a message
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Shelach Lecha

    There is an intriguing connection between the opening and closing passages of this week’s parasha, which the Chief Rabbi explains in his D’var Torah.  Jewish men are not obliged to
  • Terumah: Enablers are as important as achievers!

    Transcript: Enablers are as important as achievers. Parshat Terumah presents us with the fascinating details of the furnishing of the Mishkan (the Sanctuary) in the wilderness. As a mobile sanctuary,
  • D’var Torah: Parashat Eikev

    In this week’s D’var Torah for Eikev, the Chief Rabbi explains why we read the paragraphs of the Shema in the order that we do. The order is all wrong!